Friday, November 20, 2009

DCPS Community Forum at the New HD Cooke Elementary School

There couldn’t be a better place to hold a forum about how a physical learning environment impacts student learning. H.D. Cooke Elementary School opened in August this year as a 100 years old, brand new state of the art elementary and preschool learning facility. The school was closed for five years awaiting renovation completion. It was once labeled DC’s worst school facility by the Army Corps of Engineers, the entity then responsible for maintaining DC Public Schools.

What a difference five years makes. The fits and starts HD Cooke went through to get where it is today would fill a book, much of it about the incompetence and lack of accountability of DCPS. Construction finally began in 2007, just as the Office of Public Education Facilities Modernization was beginning the long-neglected job of managing DCPS facilities.

Today, HD Cooke Elementary School is an amazing facility. What used to be Precinct 35 voting place in the basement of Cooke is now a media center/library with a skylight beaming from the high ceiling, surrounded by restored columns that stretch the full three stories from floor to ceiling.

This could never have happened this well under the old system of running the schools. This is certainly why some may think the new chancellor is working miracles in the DCPS.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Celebration in Mt. Pleasant, Saturday October 31st

How nice, members of MPD intermingling with members of the community. This is community policing at its best.

Community policing is what we need now, more than ever. In my single member district, gang violence continues; illegal paper sales continue; people on stay-away orders from the court are not staying away. If the police came to dinner in the community more often, they may get some insight on how to dislodge the semi-hidden crime.

To their credit, MPD is listening. I was informed that before I arrived, the Mt. Pleasant community requested two officers be removed from their streets because of misconduct, and MPD responded to their request

It appears MPD also responded to the Adams Morgan request. The officer in question has been posted elsewhere lately. Seems live attestations of a dozen residents hold more weight than a petition with 35 alleged signatures, some obviously fraudulent, collected by the businesses. The commander of 3rd District did the right thing. We continue watching the locations of the officer(s) in question.

God Bless Our First Responders and vigilant volunteers who keep us safe