The meeting was called to order by Denis James, the President of KCA.

The first order of business was to introduce Vicky Beasley, the mayor's nominee to the position of People's Council. The office has a staff of 33, and its budget is $5 million dollars, which is funded by the consumers of DC utilities.
The KCA voted to protest two licenses, El Tamarindo at 1785 Florida Avenue, and the Grill From Ipanema, 1858-62 Columbia Road.
There was a long discussion about the new parking bill, proposed by Councilmember Jim Graham, called "The Residential Parking Protection Pilot Act of 2009, and it was basically decided that this act does nothing to improve the situation of parking in Adams Morgan, and has the possibility of making it even crazier.
Ann Hargrove brought forth a resolution titled ELIMINATING BILLBOARD BLIGHT, to end the perpetration of humongous billboards in DC. The KCA resolved to urge the Council of the District of Columbia to hold a hearing on the proposed billboard blight "removal" resolution proposed by the Mayor, on a schedule that will allow adfequate time for public response to the proposal but also ensure Council action before expiration of the mandatory period for Council Review of the proposal.
Lisa Duperier announced that Sunday from 6 to 11 a new wine shop in Adams Morgan at 2122 18th Street will be having an opening for the community.
The meeting was attended by three commissioners, two news media people, the executive director of the BID, the president of Adams Morgan Main Street, and a many longtime Adams Morgan residents

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