Washington Inner City Network (WIN) held a campaign forum last night in Asbury Methodist Church at 11th and K Streets, NW. In addition to the forum, those attending were treated to a few mini-sermons and a couple of prayers. The energy was high. These were church people, and they were there to get things done. The top candidates for Council Chair and Mayor were there. Every candidate said yes to every policy request made. No more usuary. Jobs for DC residents. Affordable housing for long-time DC residents. Everyone promised to do what WIN wanted them to do. So how do WIN members decide who to vote for? Well, might I suggest they vote on body language.

The presence of mind of a mayor is critical. "Be here now" should be a way of life for any big city mayor who often must respond to crises in little or no time.

The two videos attached are one-minute clips from the 5 minute statements given by Mayor Fenty and Council Chair Vincent Gray.
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